
Biomacromolecule-Tagged Nanoscale Constructs for Crossing the Blood-Brain Barrier
Odom, T.L., LeBroc, H.D., and C.E. Callmann*
Nanoscale 2024
Prior to UT-Austin

In Vivo Behavior of Ultrasmall Spherical Nucleic Acids
Callmann, C.E., Vasher, M.K., Das, A., Kusmierz, C.D., and C.A. Mirkin*
Small 2023

Transferrin Aptamers Increase the In Vivo Blood–Brain Barrier Targeting of Protein Spherical Nucleic Acids
Kusmierz, C.D., Callmann, C.E., Kudruk, S., Distler, M.E., and C.A. Mirkin
Bioconjugate Chemistry 2023

Synergistic Immunostimulation through the Dual Activation of Toll-like Receptor 3/9 with Spherical Nucleic Acids
Huang, Z.N., Callmann, C.E., Cole, L.E., Wang, S., and C.A. Mirkin*
ACS Nano, 2021

Controlling the Biological Fate of Liposomal Spherical Nucleic Acids Using Tunable Polyethylene Glycol Shells
Wang, Z., Callmann, C.E., and C.A. Mirkin*
ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 2021

Rational Vaccinology: Harnessing Nanoscale Chemical Design for
Cancer Immunotherapy
Huang, Z., Callmann, C.E., Wang, S., Vasher, M.K., Evangelopoulos, M., Petrosko, S.H., and C.A. Mirkin*
ACS Central Science, 2022

Tumor-Associated Enzyme-Activatable Spherical Nucleic Acids
Zhang, W., Callmann, C.E., Meckes, B., and C.A. Mirkin*
ACS Nano 2022

Disrupting the Interplay between Programmed Cell Death Protein 1 and Programmed Death Ligand 1 with Spherical Nucleic Acids in Treating Cancer
Chou, L., Callmann, C.E., Dominguez, D., Zhang, B.*, and C.A. Mirkin*
ACS Central Science 2022

Impact of Liposomal Spherical Nucleic Acid Structure on Immunotherapeutic Function
Callmann, C.E., Kusmierz, C.D., Dittmar, J.W., Broger, L., and C.A. Mirkin*
ACS Central Science, 2021

Tumor Cell Lysate-Loaded Immunostimulatory Spherical Nucleic Acids as Therapeutics for Triple-Negative Breast Cancer
Callmann, C.E., Cole, L.E., Kusmierz, C.D., Huang, Z., Horiuchi, D, and C.A. Mirkin*
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2020

Paclitaxel-Terminated Peptide Brush Polymers
Zhu, J., Sun, H., Callmann, C.E., Thompson, M.P., Battistella, C., Proetto, M.T., Carlini, A.S., and N.C. Gianneschi*
Chemical Communications, 2020
DOI: 10.1039/C9CC10023G

Defining the Design Parameters for In Vivo Enzyme Delivery Through Protein Spherical Nucleic Acids
Kusmierz, C., Bujold, K., Callmann, C.E., and C.A. Mirkin*
ACS Central Science, 2020

Poly(peptide): Synthesis, Structure, and Function of Peptide–Polymer Amphiphiles and Protein-like Polymers
Callmann, C.E., Thompson, M.P., and N.C. Gianneschi*
Accounts of Chemical Research, 2020

Sequence Multiplicity within Spherical Nucleic Acids
Huang, Z., Cole, L.E., Callmann, C.E., Wang, S., and C.A. Mirkin*
ACS Nano, 2020

Antitumor Activity of Octadecanedioic Acid-Paclitaxel Complexed with Human Serum Albumin
Callmann, C.E., LeGuyader, C.L., Burton, S., Thompson, M.P., Hennis, R.H., Barback, C.V., Henrickson, N.M., Chan, W.C., Jeremko, M.J., Yang, J., Garcia, A., Burkart, M.D., Gilson, M., Momper, J.D., Bertin, P.A., and N.C. Gianneschi*
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2019
DOI: 10.1021/jacs.9b04272

Delivery of Immunotherapeutic Nanoparticles to Tumors via Enzyme-Directed Assembly
Battistella, C.†, Callmann, C.E.†, Thompson, M.P., Yao, S., Hayashi, T., Carson, D.A., and N.C. Gianneschi*
Advanced Healthcare Materials, 2019

Tumor Retention of Enzyme-Responsive Pt(II) Drug-Loaded Nanoparticles Imaged by NanoSIMS and Fluorescence Microscopy
Proetto, M.P., Callmann, C.E., Cliff, J., Szymanski, C.J., Hu, D., Evans, J.E.; Orr, G., Howell, S.B., and N.C. Gianneschi*
ACS Central Science, 2018

Micellar Thrombin-Binding Aptamers: Reversible Nanoscale Anticoagulants
Roloff, A., Carlini, A.S., Callmann, C.E., and N.C. Gianneschi*
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2017
DOI: 10.1021/jacs.7b07799

Enzyme-Responsive Nanoparticles for the Treatment of Disease
Callmann, C.E. and N.C. Gianneschi*
Methods in Molecular Biology, 2017

Enzyme-Responsive Nanoparticles Release Cargo Upon Exposure to Matrix Metalloproteinase and Reactive Oxygen Species
Daniel, K.B.†, Callmann, C.E.†, Cohen, S.M.*, and N.C. Gianneschi*
Chemical Communications, 2016
DOI: 10.1039/c5cc09164k

Therapeutic Enzyme-Responsive Nanoparticles for Targeted Delivery and Accumulation in Tumors
Callmann, C.E., Barback, C.V., Thompson, M.P., Hall, D.J., Mattrey, R.F., and N.C. Gianneschi*
Advanced Materials, 2015

Stimuli-Responsive Nanomaterials for Biomedical Applications
Blum, A. P., Kammeyer, J. K.†, Rush, A. M.†, Callmann, C. E., Hahn, M. E., and N.C. Gianneschi*
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2015
DOI: 10.1021/ja510147n